• 21st June 2012: Arthur Conan-Doyle, ‘A Study in Scarlet’, introduced by Brian Wall, PhD candidate in English Literature, University of Edinburgh.
  • 16th Apri l 2012: Sarah Green, ‘Scotch Novel Reading’, introduced by Kristian Kerr, University of Chicago.
  • 12th March 2012: Hugh MacDiarmid, ‘A Drunk Man Looks at the Thistle’, introduced by Dr Alex Thomson, University of Edinburgh.
  • 26th January 2012: Margaret Oliphant, ghost stories, introduced by Professor Deirdre Lynch, University of Toronto.
  • 12th December 2012: Ann Radcliffe The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne, introduced by Katherine Wright.
  • 14th November 2011: Robert Louis Stevenson and Fanny Van de Grift Stevenson, introduced by Sarah Ames, PhD candidate in English Literature, University of Edinburgh.
  • 30th September2011: George MacDonald, short stories, introduced by Professor John Plotz, Brandeis University.